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Persone con disabilitą

A cura di Ledha

Archivio opinioni

7 Febbraio 2020

"Together with the others, beautifully and responsibly"


Diritti e consapevolezza per tutti. Anche per coloro che non parlano italiano. LEDHA presenta la traduzione del proprio Manifesto

Nell'ottica di favorire una maggiore diffusione della consapevolezza dei diritti delle persone con disabilità LEDHA-Lega per i diriti delle persone con disabilità ha pubblicato diverse versioni del proprio "Manifesto per la voce delle persone con disabilità" presentato lo scorso settembre in occasione dei festeggiamenti per 40 anni di attività dell'associazione. Proponiamo il testo della traduzione in inglese del Manifesto che, sul sito LEDHA, è consultabile anche in francese e in simboli (CAA)

We, persons with disabilities, want to live well: we have the same rights as other persons and we must be able to enjoy the same opportunities and responsibilities that everyone enjoys. Today that is not the case.

We, persons with disabilities living in Lombardy, claim the right to be able to live and participate fully in all aspects of life, with the same freedom of choice as anybody else. Today it is not yet so.

Politics, services and resources dedicated to persons with disabilities must respect our will and our projects. Today that is not the case.

We want to be able to choose where and with whom to live and to be able to count on all the assistance and support we need, without the risk of being victims of segregation. Today that is not the case.

We want society as a whole to be accessible, to take our needs and characteristics into consideration: we want to be able to use all the services and all the spaces available to the rest of the population, without encountering obstacles. Today that is not the case.

To achieve these goals, we want to do our part, engaging our resources and all our energies, without spending more than is right and foreseen by the law to access the services we need and we have the right to. Today that is not the case.

All human rights must simply be respected by every person, every organization and every institution.

We want, for everyone, without exception, a dignified life;
We want, for everyone, without exception, a good life;
We want, for everyone, without exception, a beautiful life.

Nothing about us, without us!

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